Sunday, August 21, 2016
Moodle and Naruto
Moodle and Naruto
Haha! Clearly theres nothing such a relationship between those two things! But heres the way Im gonna tell you about both of them.
Since several days a go I just copied Naruto the Series, I have been addicted. Well, everyday is Naruto time! I can spend hours only for watching Naruto myself! This is sucks anyway. This kinda film made me so addicted and couldnt control my desire. Huh! As the consequence, a lot of activities had been suspended until now. But, it wont go any further. I just have to stop that and start to what I responsible for. And one of them is to modified moodle!
For the tutorial, I just attach it bellow. Enjoy it!
Tutorial 1 Moodle
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Available link for download