Sunday, September 4, 2016

5 Useful Run Commands Of Windows 2015

5 Useful Run Commands Of Windows 2015

5 Best Useful Run Commands Of Windows
Hope, you guys are well aware from Windows run commands. Run commands are actually very helpful for every windows user. Because you can do your work quickly and fast by using them. For example, if ever you want to check windows updates then definitely first you will go to the Control Panel then System and Security and then Windows Updates. So, in my views, by following three steps, simply you wasted your time. Because you could do same work in one step by using a Run command.

Similarly, you can save your time in lots of more other different situations, but for that you must know about run commands. Thats why for your help, Im sharing 5 common run commands here. So must try it and dont forget to give your views about them.

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1. To Check Windows Updates (wuapp)

5 Best Useful Run Commands Of Windows
As I said above, you can check your windows updates in one step. So, to check it, first open the Run by pressing Window + R keys and then type wuapp and press Enter. When youll press the Enter then automatically a menu to check for Windows updates will be opened. Here you can check updates for Windows and can download too. You could do the same work by using Control Panel way. But if youre wise and wanna save your important time then use this command.

2. For Network Connections (ncpa.cpl)

5 Best Useful Run Commands Of Windows
Windows operating system provides a default way to go to the Network Connections from Control Panel. So, almost everybody knows about it. But users can also go to this menu by using a run command also. So, to do that first open the Run by pressing Window + R buttons and then type ncpa.cpl and press the Enter. After that action, a menu will appear that will definitely a Network Connection menu.

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3. To Check Full System Specifications (dxdiag)

5 Best Useful Run Commands Of Windows
My Computer or This PC properties is good, Device Manager is best but DXDIAG is an excellent way to check a complete configuration of your computer. Yeah! you can check your processor, Ram and Windows type from My computer Properties. But wanna know about number of cores and about display adaptor then device manager is not bad. But if you want to know about processor speed, number of core, Ram memory, DirectX and all about your graphics then no one is better than DXDIAG. So to do that, first open the Run by pressing Window + R and simply type dxdiag then press the Enter. After that action, a separate pop-up will open, there all information about your computer is available.

4. To Directly Go To The C-Drive ()

5 Best Useful Run Commands Of Windows
I know, its not hard to go to the C-drive. Just click on My Computer and then C-drive. But if youre wanna become an expert then kindly you should follow them. You should follow their style and style of working. Experts always try to take shortcuts. Seriously I dont remember, when I had used My computer option to go to the C-drive. Whenever If youre on desktop or everywhere and wanna go to the C-drive then simply press the buttons Window + R and just type and Enter. Thats it. Youll be reached to the drive C directly.

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5. To Go To The Firewall Setting (firewall.cpl)

5 Best Useful Run Commands Of Windows
As we know, Firewall is very important, if your computer is with the internet connected. Every user definitely knows about these options and knows also that how to go to this by using Control Panel way. But Majority doesnt know there that how can we go to the Firewall Setting directly by using Run Commands. So to do that, open the Run quickly by pressing Window + R and then type firewall.cpl, press Enter and now firewall menu is opened. From this way, you dont have to face useless formalities.

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