Monday, September 5, 2016
Heres a Script PowerShell to duplicate Package on SCCM 2012
Heres a Script PowerShell to duplicate Package on SCCM 2012
Before Modify any Package on Production, take time to duplicate it.
Its a part of Best Practice, to duplicate a package befor modifing them.
Heres a Script PowerShell to duplicate Package on SCCM 2012
$ServerSCCM = "SCCMTest"
Import-Module $ServerSCCMd$Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration ManagerAdminConsole inConfigurationManager.psd1
$pkgID = FR100F40
$packageDestination = "ShareSoftRepository_Serveurs1. UATPackages"
$PackageList = @(gwmi -ComputerName $ServerSCCM -Namespace rootsmssite_FR1 -class SMS_Package -filter "PackageID=$pkgID")
if ( $PackageList.count -gt 0 ) {
foreach ( $package in $PackageList )
#Store name and location of package
$pName = $
$pLocation = $package.PkgSourcePath
#Extract folder name of package
$folderName =$pLocation.Substring($pLocation.LastIndexOf("")+1)
Write-Host "Package to duplicate : " $pName
#Copie sources
Copy-Item $pLocation $packageDestination -recurse
#acces to SCCM site
cd "$((Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite).Name):"
$ProgramList = Get-CMProgram -PackageId $pkgID
#Create a copie of package
$newPackage = New-CMPackage -Name "$pName - copie" -Path "$packageDestination$folderName"
#add programes
foreach ( $Program in $ProgramList )
$np = New-CMProgram -PackageName "$pName - copie" -CommandLine $Program.CommandLine -StandardProgramName $Program.ProgramName
#Copie program Proreities
$np.ProgramFlags = $Program.ProgramFlags
#Commit changes
Its a part of Best Practice, to duplicate a package befor modifing them.
Heres a Script PowerShell to duplicate Package on SCCM 2012
$ServerSCCM = "SCCMTest"
Import-Module $ServerSCCMd$Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration ManagerAdminConsole inConfigurationManager.psd1
$pkgID = FR100F40
$packageDestination = "ShareSoftRepository_Serveurs1. UATPackages"
$PackageList = @(gwmi -ComputerName $ServerSCCM -Namespace rootsmssite_FR1 -class SMS_Package -filter "PackageID=$pkgID")
if ( $PackageList.count -gt 0 ) {
foreach ( $package in $PackageList )
#Store name and location of package
$pName = $
$pLocation = $package.PkgSourcePath
#Extract folder name of package
$folderName =$pLocation.Substring($pLocation.LastIndexOf("")+1)
Write-Host "Package to duplicate : " $pName
#Copie sources
Copy-Item $pLocation $packageDestination -recurse
#acces to SCCM site
cd "$((Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSite).Name):"
$ProgramList = Get-CMProgram -PackageId $pkgID
#Create a copie of package
$newPackage = New-CMPackage -Name "$pName - copie" -Path "$packageDestination$folderName"
#add programes
foreach ( $Program in $ProgramList )
$np = New-CMProgram -PackageName "$pName - copie" -CommandLine $Program.CommandLine -StandardProgramName $Program.ProgramName
#Copie program Proreities
$np.ProgramFlags = $Program.ProgramFlags
#Commit changes
Available link for download