I have an edittext to enter the password and i set inputtype as "textpassword". but when i run it in app or emulator the password is visible. why it is showing password instead of dots?. Change edittext password mask character to asterisk (*) ask question. android password edit text showing text. 4. change password mask character to asterisk (*), but with delay-3. how to show a dot or asterisk when the user enter a text in an edittext? 0.. The android:inputtype attribute allows you to specify various behaviors for the input method. most importantly, if your text field is intended for basic text input (such as for a text message), you should enable auto spelling correction with the "textautocorrect" value. you can combine different behaviors and input method styles with the android:inputtype attribute..
Choosing the input type configures the keyboard type that is shown, acceptable characters, and appearance of the edit text. for example, if you want to accept a secret number, like a unique pin or serial number, you can set inputtype to "numericpassword".. I am trying to show user the typed password in edit text whose input type is text password. i implemented gesturelistener over the toggle icon like this-. A password field with the password visible to the user: type_text_variation_web_edit_text. added in api level 3. check out android developers on youtube. more android. android enterprise security source support. report platform bug report documentation bug.