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Find the best 28 free fonts in the microsoft style every font is free to download and preview for your projects find the best 28 free fonts in the microsoft style every font is free to download and preview for your projects find the best 28 free fonts in the microsoft style every font is free to download and preview for your projects. Ada saat akan perlu menggunakan font ( jenis huruf ) yang lain yang sudah tersedia pada microsof word anda.nah kali ini saya berikan tip untuk menambah font pada microsoft word 2007 (mungkin juga sama caranya pada ms word 2003 ).. Education; added : tue, 25 aug 15 ; here is a quick tutorial on how to add fonts on to microsoft word. there will be a mac tutorial next week. how to add a font on microsoft word , how to download fonts on microsoft word/ power point (easy way) , how to add fonts to microsoft word , how to download and install fonts , how to install fonts on microsoft office 2007 , how to install a new font in.