The java plugin for web browsers relies on the cross-platform plugin architecture npapi, which had been supported by all major web browsers for over a decade. the 64 bit version of firefox has never supported npapi, and firefox version 52esr is the last release to support the technology.. To enable java content, you'll have to install an old, 32-bit version of firefox and then manually add the java plugin. this is possible on windows computers, but firefox for mac defaults to 64-bit, making it impossible to install java for firefox on a mac.. Starting with java 8 update 20 (8u20), on windows systems, the java uninstall tool is integrated with the installer to provide an option to remove older versions of java from the system. the change is applicable to 32 bit and 64 bit windows platforms..
I recently installed java jre1.8.0.141 in a firefox 32 bit browser (version 54.0.1(32 bit)): download was:jdk-8u141-windows-i586 and installed it. however, when i launch the web intranet application i get:. If you are using a 32-bit firefox, you should use the 32-bit java plugin (from the lib/i386 directory). to determine which version of firefox you are running, launch the application, and select the menu item help -> about mozilla firefox .. Windows 32-bit; macos; linux 64-bit; linux 32-bit; and software libraries without the use of plugins. added automatic captive portal detection, for easier access to wi-fi hotspots. when accessing the internet via a captive portal, firefox will alert users and open the portal login page in a new tab. firefox now displays a “this.