Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How To Fix Blue Screen Errors In Windows 7 2015

How To Fix Blue Screen Errors In Windows 7 2015

How To Fix Blue Screen Errors In Windows 7
Blue Screen Error is now common in every computer, especially where Windows 7 is installed. Most people are victims of this problem. They try to find solution of problem on the internet. But due to the lack of right information, they cant solve Blue Screen Error. So this is why, I shared this article for those users who are suffer from the problem of it. I know that how much problems you have to face, when you cant do anything because im also a victim of Blue Screen Error. Well! Here i discussed about the possibilities of error "Why does blue screen error show?" and also shared solution. In short, this article covers about the topics of "How To Fix Blue Screen Error in Windows 7", "Why Blue Screen Error is appeared?" and "Why Blue Screen Error is appeared and How to fix it?".

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How To Fix Blue Screen Error?

Blue Screen Error is also known as Blue Screen Death or Stop Error. It is a serious problem but many user dont give importance. Often behold, they have to lost their computer. So if youre wise and want that your computer dont be corrupted then follow the below instructions and guide to solve Blue Screen Error problem. For your convenience, i divided Blue Screen Error possibilities and solution in three cases. Hopefully from this way, you will be understood easily.

Case I: "When your computer start then Blue Screen Error is show"

If Blue Screen Error shows after starting your computer then you need to scan your computer or Windows from viruses and malware. Because viruses have been come in your computer through the internet. They create such malware and spam files in your device that are really harmful for you. So install any best anti-virus in your Windows and scan from viruses and spam. If you need help in finding best anti-virus then check out this article "2015s Top 10 Antivirus For Windows 7". But here is a question should have come in mind that How do viruses get into computer?

Actually you know what, Hackers and scammers are very active today. They try to make you fool from anyway and want to enter your computer too. Thats why they create some such links that are seriously harmful for you and your computer. When you download something through internet then viruses have been entered in your device and damage everything in your computer. So here you must need a guide to download safely anything else from internet. Read this article "Tips To Download Safely Anything From Internet", hopefully it will be helpful for you.

Case II: "When you copy anything to your Hard Drive then Blue Screen Error is appeared"

If you are suffer from Case II, then read this paragraph. Actually, it happens when your Hard Drive become full. In this situation, you need to remove your unimportant files from Hard Drive. Sometimes, corruption of files due to not enough space in Hard Drive, thats why it becomes a cause of Blue Screen Error. In Windows 7, operating system always warns you when your hard drive space is less than 100 MB. After maximize your hard drive space, if your problem is still happening then follow below instructions:

i. Go to the BIOS setting and change all setting to Default. Sometimes unsuitable changes on your BIOS can cause blue screen error.

ii. Open your PC casing, and check all cables, Graphics Card, Sound Card and also check Hard Drive cables and confirm that everything is fitted fine or not. After that if problem is still happening then change your Windows.

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Case III: "Before installation a new program or Hardware, Blue Screen Error is appeared"

Actually, its all due to the recently installed software in your computer. Sometimes, new software or hardware may effect to your operating system and could be cause of Blue Screen Error. For example, when you install a software, which is not compatible to your computer. However, when you run then it effects to your device then Blue Screen Error is appeared. Similarly, when you install a new hardware like new Graphics Card. But graphics card is not capable to your computer then Blue Screen Error will be appeared surely. So first and important thought is that always install such hardware and softwares which are capable and compatible with your device. Because sometimes a slightest mistake may be very expensive.

Solution of your problem is simple. You need to uninstall your recently installed software in your Windows. Go to the Control Panel > Programs > Programs and features > select the previous software you installed and click Uninstall. Restart your computer.

If your problem is still happening then you need to restore your computer. For this purpose, go to Control panel > System and Security > Action Center > Click Recovery > Open System Restore > Select a System Restore point. This method will help you to restore your computer. It erases all your previously installed programs and goes back to its last good performance.

Some Tips

Here are some tips, especially for those users who dont know about the maintenance of Windows. You know very well that every machine must requires some maintenance after a specific interval of time. A computer is also a machine and operating system is most important. You should be maintain performance of your operating system. Install utilities like CCleaner, Glary Utilities etc in your computer and use. Further scan your computer complete at least after a week. Check your windows updates and install necessary updates. For Further detail and guide, visit this article "2015s Best Tips To Maintain Performance Of Windows Faster". This article covers a complete guide to maintain performance of Windows operating system. Hopefully, it will be helpful for you.

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I know Blue Screen Error is a serious problem for those who are suffer from it. Follow above the steps and instructions. I hope your problem will be solved. In last, I just wanna say, if you find help in this article then dont forget to share it with others especially with those victims who are suffer from Blue Screen Error.

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